Q: What is an upline and downline? How can I be eligible for commission?
A: Your upline and downline are the people you are directly connected to within the Young Living organization. The enroller is the person who signed you up for YL or directed you to Young Living. They are a part of your upline. The sponsor is the person that is assigned the position of being one level above you in the YL organization. This could be the person who referred you, the same person who enrolled you, or the person who signed up with your enroller prior to your sign up. Your sponsor is also a part of your upline. Your downline is any person you enroll, a person you are positioned to be their sponsor, and/or anyone connected to someone you have enrolled or have sponsorship of. Commissions, ranks, bonuses, and company shares are all based off of the size of your downline. You are free to build or not build your downline at your discretion. No member is required to sell any products, however, I must encourage you that I don’t think I’ve sold a single oil. I’ve shared information about products I love and trust to people I know and people I’ve met. Once I shared information about the products, some people decided to order for themselves and others did not. But, the fact that some did, helps fund the things that I want to use in my home, for myself, my children, family, and friends. The fact that I decided to purposely share the information with as many people as possible, opens the door for more to decide to buy products for themselves and enables me to invest more into my family and sow into other people’s lives as well.