My name is April Dosie-Diggs. I am blessed to have the honor and privilege of highlighting natural resources that God provided and purposed for the use of health and wellness in our spiritual, mental, and physical lives.  

 Are you done with being limited by “I can’t”, “I wish”, and “you won’t be able to”? Take a step.  Click here

It’s A Natural Life is about helping you with...
“Getting Back to Body Basics”.  
What I can help you with:
Nutrition advisor
learn how to know which foods support your wellness 
Natural supplement advisor 
learn how to choose which supplements are right for you.  
Essential Oil/Supplement distributor 
from essential oils and herbal supplements to laundry detergent and toothpaste, plant-based products for you, your home, and family.  
Faith-based support   
 be a part of a community with a wealth of knowledge, resources, and experience who want to see you succeed
My kids are my forever babies.  No matter how old they get, I still shed a bitter sweet tear every year that they get older or achieve acknowledgement for an accomplishment, overcome an obstacle, discover something new, or sometimes even just going about their daily routine.  I just can't help being overcome with gratefulness at times.  And like so many other parents, I want what's best for my kids in every aspect of life.  And though there are many different opinions on what's best and how best to provide it, I believe most, if not all would have to agree on a bottom line... Natural is healthier.

The issue comes in that natural is often not convenient nor is it even possible at times.  Unless you live on a farm, have a greenhouse, and the ability to grow plants that are not in season, it can be pretty challenging to live in the US and be 100% natural, especially if you have kids who aren't too excited about joining you on your new vegetarian journey... Lol.  So I had to figure out a way to incorporate healthier choices that didn't seem drastic, but added up to be a significant benefit to their health.  

Well, one day I was a church and saw a couple of lady's I knew sitting down talking, I walked up to them, and my prayers were answered, though I did not realize it then. The ladies were talking about Young Living essential oils and one of the ladies said, "April you need this".  So I signed up and became a member of Young Living that day.

I will admit that I really didn't have a clue of the value of my new found possession.  The box sat at my desk until my friend came by and walked me through what each oil is used for.  But, I didn't look at them again until someone I knew said that they had a medical concern and I remembered that I might have an oil for that in my desk.  Well, I received positive feedback on how the oils helped, so it became a habit for me to hear that someone had a problem, look up each area of concern, find out which oil in my kit supported that area functioning well, and provide the oil they needed. It didn't take me long to figure out that instead of trying to build our bodies back up to wellness, we should take the proper steps to maintain wellness.

It wasn't until I saw my son struggling with allergies and stomach aches from the allergy medication, that I really started to back off of OTC's and prescriptions.  I learned that allergies actually come from an unhealthy gut and that my son needed quality probiotics to retrain his gut.  I'm not saying that medicine doesn't have its place in this world.  But, I am saying that it is no longer my goto.  When my daughter got sick with the flu 2 days before Thanksgiving.  It was the support of the oils that allowed me to break her fever naturally in less than 2 days and she was able to enjoy her holiday meal.  

I am truly grateful that God has all power in His hands and is able to speak instant healing, by His hand alone, into a situation.  I am also grateful that He has supplied a way for us to receive guidance and understanding on how to use the resources He created when this earth was formed.  Everything He created had a purpose and much of what He created was designed to help our body maintain health and heal itself.  I'm even grateful for things we can't prevent no matter how hard we try, because those are the times that I get a special opportunity to see just how much God is with me, loves me, and cares for me and my children.  And it is in those times, that I grow in my relationship with Him even the more.

So I invite you to take this journey with me as I learn and discuss holistic health.  Let's Get Back to Body Basics!